
leadership based on values

Effective construction leadership is built upon values

Are you practicing leadership based on values? Leaders in all industries, including construction, are like icebergs. Only about 10% of who we really are is visible. Our behaviors. Our actions. Our interactions with others. The other 90% that truly defines us lies beneath the surface: our values and beliefs, our needs and our fears. All […]

Effective construction leadership is built upon values Read More »

Core values are not varnish for leaders

Core values are not varnish. Not-for-profit leaders take note!

Our core values are not varnish. In my coaching practice, I help leaders align the goals for their careers and their organizations with their core values. The world is full of leaders who are achieving some amount of material success but are miserable on the inside because what they are doing or the way they

Core values are not varnish. Not-for-profit leaders take note! Read More »